Recent articles

Aug 30, 2024

Integrating Climate Risk into Loan Pricing: Insights from the Banking Sector

During a recent discussion with a former colleague now working...

Aug 30, 2024

How Financial Institutions Can Drive the Path to Net-Zero Emissions

Funding Green Initiatives: Banks and investment firms can pour money...

Aug 22, 2024

Division and allocation of revenue Part 2

The process of revenue sharing in Kenya is a structured...

Aug 22, 2024

Division and allocation of revenue

Understanding how Kenya's public finances are managed is essential for...

Aug 13, 2024

Ensuring Success: Comprehensive Due Diligence for Project Partners in PPPs

The Adani Group's involvement in PPP (Public-Private Partnership) projects in...

Jul 26, 2024

Privately-Initiated Proposals: JKIA and Adani Group Controversy in focus

Certainly, by now you have heard of the Adani Group....

Jul 9, 2024

Tenets of public debt management in Kenya

One of the pressing issues in Kenya's public discourse is...

Apr 18, 2024

Values in Public Procurement and Asset Disposal in Kenya

A value-driven approach to public procurement and asset disposal ensures...

Mar 20, 2024

Upholding Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Business in Africa

Over the weekend, as I enjoyed a stroll along the...